Dr. Sime (Sheema) Curkovic
Great time to be in supply chain management. Deloitte expects U.S. manufacturers to have 2.1M unfilled jobs by 2030, & the BLS is projecting that SCM employment will grow by 7% annually through 2026. 

The number of US job postings for supply chain managers on LinkedIn more than doubled between 2019 & 2022.  The U.S. supply chain accounts for 37% of all domestic jobs.

Supply chain pros are making an avg of nearly $30K more/yr than the avg American, & are generally happy in their careers (per ASCM)...WMU SCM grads have a median wage range of $70-$80K. Supply Chain Certifications to Advance Your Career; Salary Guides; Job Titles; What Does a Supply Chain Manager Do?

Experience the Classroom

Dr. Curkovic (please do not call me Dr.) has more than 30 years experience working to shape the future of SCM professionals. Check out these lectures and get access to > 50 hours of timely SCM content to navigate the job market & find tips for landing your dream supply chain role.

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Networking for Success: Building Connections

Supply Chain Expert (kind of)

Sime (Sheema) Curkovic, Professor, Operations/Supply Chain Management
Lee Honors College Faculty Fellow

Research: sustainability, new product development, quality, supply chain risk, lean six sigma, data analytics, & strategic sourcing (i.e., indexed pricing automation – no more giant color coded spreadsheets & manual entry allowed).

Lots of Tech Talk: Explore the role of emerging technologies in supply chain education.

“WMU Integrated Supply Management (ISM)…Nation’s best undergraduate SCM program (Gartner); 2nd in SCM technology (SoftwareAdvice);  2nd in top global SCM talent (SCM World)”

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