Question from a student:  I am thinking of doing dual major in marketing and supply chain management? What do you think about the combination?

Question from a student: I am thinking of doing dual major in marketing and supply chain management? What do you think about the combination?

I get this question often, should I pick up another major with my SCM major and/or pick up a minor, and if so which one? I assume you are doing a SCM major to get a SCM entry level managerial position. Basically, that means you want the degree to get a job in SCM, right? OK, so the answer to your question is will the other major or minor compliment...
Reneging: Once you commit, quit!

Reneging: Once you commit, quit! It has been brought to our attention that some students have been accepting internships/jobs, but continued to search for and accept other positions with other employers. This is reneging, a practice that is unethical and greatly frowned upon for students at Western Michigan University. What is reneging? As noted, reneging is going back on a promise made. In other words, it is promising one thing and then pulling the...
Click: Does your resume make it obvious that you know how to solve problems?

Click: Does your resume make it obvious that you know how to solve problems?

Problem-solving is the #1 sought after skill (used to be leadership). Here is an alarming statistic... Nearly a third of all supply chain processes are inadequate, according to research from Crimson & Co.  Covid kind of brought this front and center.  The paper in the below link lists the most important soft skills to employers. Notice, that problem solving has kept moving up and is now number one!  It has...
Feedback from former student on consulting jobs after graduation…

Feedback from former student on consulting jobs after graduation…

Hi Sime, First of all I want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on research with you because that was a significant selling point when I interviewed for my current job in consulting. To answer your student's question - consulting is a great choice immediately after graduation. It's not for everyone, but if any of your students are curious about consulting, I recommend that they...
What do Supply Chain internships pay (and they all pay, never work for free)…

What do Supply Chain internships pay (and they all pay, never work for free)…

Salary Report: Here is the full salary report What do supply chain internships pay (and they all pay, never work for free)?  The going rate is $16-27 per hour.  Note, this data is around 4 years old.  Also, see full time starting salaries from supply chain graduates. I just wanted to clarify that all SCM internships are paid internships and they tend to pay very well.  The companies at the...
Here is some advice from SCM majors if you take a CAD class (that way you can talk to engineers at work)

Here is some advice from SCM majors if you take a CAD class (that way you can talk to engineers at work)

Helpful Websites for EDMM 1420 - Engineering Graphics (our CAD class). Course description: Essentials of engineering graphics including technical sketching, CAD applications, applied geometry, orthographic projection, section, dimensioning, tolerancing, threads and fasteners, weldments, detail and assembly drawing, charting and basic elements of descriptive geometry. All work is according to current ANSI drafting standards. Previous technical drawing is recommended. Spend lots of time with the TA & try to take it...
These stats came out from ISM Supply Chain Weekly (you get this if you join

These stats came out from ISM Supply Chain Weekly (you get this if you join

Companies within the same industry (and even across different industries such as aerospace, steel, chemical, etc.) are dependent on each other. The flows are more intertwined ("Integrated" supply management) than ever before. In a recent study, 90 percent of manufacturing companies report having some level of outsourcing (no big surprise, right?). Thirty percent outsource 40 percent or more of their manufacturing (hmmm, now this is getting interesting). Logistics levels of...
What is MRO?  It is a type of indirect cost. Great career path!

What is MRO? It is a type of indirect cost. Great career path!

What is MRO?  It is a type of indirect cost.I would watch this first beginning at the 12:15 mark... Please click below for a copy of our Indirect Procurement Research report with Microsoft. It was subsequently published in Supply Chain Management Review (which is like the Harvard Business Review of SCM)... Click here for a copy of our Indirect Procurement paper with MSFT published in SCMR A couple of...
Assume a supplier estimates the following costs on an RFQ

Assume a supplier estimates the following costs on an RFQ

Assume a supplier estimates the following costs on an RFQ (Request for Quote - buyer wants supplier to quote on some potential business):Potential supplier says to you (you are the buyer/potential customer): Costs of Direct Materials $12,000Cost of Direct Labor $3,000Cost of Overhead $4,500Total Costs $19,500Profit $2,340Price $21,840What is the minimum price a desperate supplier might be willing to quote if this is their cost information? Answer:  $15,000 because it...
dd/mm/yyyy or (day, month, year)? Don’t screw this up at work!

dd/mm/yyyy or (day, month, year)? Don’t screw this up at work!

Managers screw this up regularly... A lot of mistakes are made because of this simple thing... Do not make this mistake when you are dealing with global suppliers and customers... dd/mm/yyyy or (day, month, year)?Notice that most countries write day/month/year (Europe in particular). We in the U.S. do month/day/year (9/27/08) is September 27, 2008 - this is not a date in most countries). Keep it safe in a multinational...