Over 50 hours of SCM content, 5,300 YouTube Followers, over 1,000 views daily, & over 500,000 views total…
What is Supply Chain Management? Career talk w/Dr. Curkovic. Hot Major 2022. $70K & $100K+ by 30!
Podcast: Supply Chain Skills Employers are Seeking- with Sime Curkovic, Professor at Western Michigan University

Recent Podcast/Video:
Recent Podcast/Video:
With supply chains constantly in the news, many people are making the decision to get college degrees in supply chain management. Once they are accepted to a program, such as the one offered at Western Michigan University, the challenge becomes preparing them to know all of the things they will need to be tactically and strategically effective going forward.
Career Advice (Part 1) for Business & Supply Chain Majors 2022, 100% job placement & $100K+ by 30
Career Advice (Part 2) for Business & Supply Chain Majors 2022, 100% job placement & $100K+ by 30
Career Advice (Part 3) for Business & Supply Chain Majors 2022, 100% job placement & $100K+ by 30
Sourcing Strategy Part I
Sourcing Strategy Part II
Sourcing Strategy Part III
Resume and Career Advice Part I
Resume and Career Advice Part II
Resume and Career Advice Part III
Lean Six Sigma and Problem-Solving
Supply chain payment terms and conditions
GDP in the context of supply chain management
Standards and acronyms in supply chain management Part I
Standards and acronyms in supply chain management Part II
Single minute exchange of die and mass customization
Supply chain trends
Supply chain jobs in the government, consulting, and indirect/MRO
Reverse supply chain management
Exchange rates in supply chain management
What is the difference between a 3PL and 4PL?
Multinational management and the supply chain
What is the ISM MFG Index or PMI?
Building your brand via a personal SWOT
What is Supply Chain Management and Should You Major In It (Part 1)?
What is Supply Chain Management and Should You Major In It (Part 2)?
What is Supply Chain Management and Should You Major In It (Part 3)?
What is a 401K? 401(k) retirement match?
Negotiating Job Offers
What is Industry 4.0?
The covid job market
Supply chain sustainability, Part 1
Supply chain sustainability, Part 2
Supply chain sustainability, Part 3
Supply chain sustainability, Part 4
Can I get a supply chain job without a supply chain degree? How do I get a SCM job? Engineers wanted!
Outsourcing core, strategic, & critical material.
Should I go to graduate school? MS? MBA? PhD? Concentration? Certs? Business & supply chain (Part 1)
Should I go to graduate school? MS? MBA? PhD? Concentration? Certs? Business & supply chain (Part 2)
Students reneging on job offers & failing drug tests (i.e., THC)
Top Ranked Supply Chain Programs, Majoring in Supply Chain, 2020 Gartner Undergrad SCM Rankings
What is Supply Chain Management? MGMT 2800/3810 Intro to SCM
How to become a college professor. Should I get a doctorate or Ph.D.? Tenure & being a Full Professor
How CPO’s and Academia Combined to Set the Indirect Procurement Standard w/ Sime Curkovic