“Start-up investors are warning of dark days ahead as boom times are unambiguously over.” I have so many former students that are with start-ups, some of which are in their very early stages (i.e., no customers, negative cash flow, etc.).

"Start-up investors are warning of dark days ahead as boom times are unambiguously over." I have so many former students that are with start-ups, some of which are in their very early stages (i.e., no customers, negative cash flow, etc.), & then they read headlines like this. https://lnkd.in/gd6mF5eWI told them that if they had the courage to take this chance, then they have the courage to get through the negativity of...

Pay attention to what matters most (not rankings). “Students who are able to build strong relationships w/ professors are far more likely to find engaging work after graduation.”

Parents: 93% of 2020-21 WMU graduates are employed or continuing education. https://lnkd.in/gPxaBnys Washington Monthly has named WMU the best public university in MI for graduate success based on 10 years of earnings following enrollment. WMU ranks No. 1 in graduate earnings & No. 2 in graduation rates. https://lnkd.in/gtH6efZX.WMU spends a lot of time & resources building relationships with employers & it shows. Employers love WMU grads because they get a world class education & work hard...