These orgs have paused hiring or laid off people.

These orgs have paused hiring or laid off people. Tesla workers who started their jobs only months or even weeks ago have been let go while others have had offers withdrawn (is that reneging?). Other big orgs "rescinding" job offers to recruits, see: Ugh, this comes out after I just lectured my students on not reneging. Thank you Corporate America for setting a great example. Also, isn’t unemployment (3.5%) at 50...

Of candidates who accepted a job offer in 2021, 49% considered at least 2 other offers concurrently? That means they had 3 offers on the table?

Of candidates who accepted a job offer in 2021, 49% considered at least 2 other offers concurrently? That means they had 3 offers on the table? This sounds like a seller’s market (not a recession): I talked to one student yesterday that was given a job offer (one month to decide) & he fully intends to accept. He is a SCM major w/ a Data Analytics minor. $72K base, $14K in...

Reshoring & The fastest-growing occupational group in the U.S. is technical occupations (people that maintain the automation). Simply said, automation creates more jobs than it eliminates.

I keep having doubts about the reality of reshoring (from China), but that trend line below is steep & positive & very linear. “The construction of new manufacturing facilities in the US has soared 116% over the past year, dwarfing the 10% gain on all building projects combined. In January, a UBS survey of C-suite executives revealed the magnitude of this shift. More than 90% of those surveyed said they...

I am still surprised by how many orgs out there still use AS/400. We make our students take an ERP class & we use SAP (around 1/2 the orgs that recruit our students use SAP).

I am still surprised by how many orgs out there still use AS/400. We make our students take an ERP class & we use SAP (around 1/2 the orgs that recruit our students use SAP). But AS/400 is still around & some students say they use AS/400 more than SAP (even though their firms have implemented SAP). It just makes me wonder if we should offer our students a tutorial on...

Which electric vehicles will qualify for new $7,500 tax credit? All Tesla models will.

Which electric vehicles will qualify for new $7,500 tax credit? All Tesla models will. I cannot express to you how strong the Tesla brand is w/ my college students, it’s their future car of choice (& I work in Michigan & most are from metro Detroit!!). W/ a brand this strong with the young, I have stopped betting against Tesla. Further, they got there without Advertising ($0/car vs. $500/car for other...

The visualization libraries in Python can produce the kind of visualizations not available in Tableau & Power BI. Students will be able to differentiate themselves from other schools.

Is Python a must-have skill in the supply chain? 200K vacant jobs on LinkedIn say yes. If you want to specialize in data & become a Supply Chain Analyst (25K jobs on LI) / Supply Chain Data Scientist (500K jobs on LI - that's all).,is%20a%20must%2Dhave%20skill A while back, I made these points about our CIS 2650 class (Programming for Data Analytics) and our Business Data Analytics minor in general. Do...

*Median truckload driver earned more than $69K in 2021 – an 18% increase from the previous survey done in 2019 – “This industry is a path to the middle class”

“This industry is a path to the middle class,” Costello said. “There’s not a lot of that left anymore.” I agree if the #’s below are accurate & sustainable… Among the ATA industry survey findings: *Median truckload driver earned more than $69K in 2021 – an 18% increase from the previous survey done in 2019;*More than 90% of truckload fleets raised pay in 2021, w/ the avg increase hitting 10.9%. Some...

The U.S. was the top nation in terms of military $, $801B, 38% of global in 2021. U.S.: top military spending nation since tracking in 1949, > 30% of the world’s spending the last 2 decades. I have a lot of students in gov SCM jobs & they love it.

The U.S. was the top nation in terms of military $, $801B, 38% of global in 2021. U.S.: top military spending nation since tracking in 1949, > 30% of the world’s spending the last 2 decades. I have a lot of students in gov SCM jobs & they love it. The government has some great SCM jobs: More gov SCM jobs & internships... From a former student… Hello Sime,Feel...

Gartner 2022: U.S. SCM undergrads finding their first jobs are earning $1,600 more/yr than in 2020. While the avg starting salary is $61,769, grads from top 10 programs can expect around $65K.

Gartner 2022: U.S. SCM undergrads finding their first jobs are earning $1,600 more/yr than in 2020. While the avg starting salary is $61,769, grads from top 10 programs can expect around $65K. Should college grads negotiate a job offer (i.e., a higher starting salary)? Yes, but only if you know how to negotiate. I do have students that get offers in the $50K-$60K range & many successfully negotiate up...

Our data mining class is essentially a machine learning class for business, which is the core of AI.

Great read from Dr. Handfield as always: Notice the part that says: “A good example of how AI can improve procurement productivity is the Merlin AI Studio by Zycus. Our research shows that over 35% of a procurement analyst’s time is spent on transactional work,…” From Sime: AI will likely have the greatest impact on SCM through the 2020s. However, one thing often not mentioned is the attitude of the...