“Students who are able to build strong relationships with professors are far more likely to find engaging work after graduation, according to Gallup-Purdue polls.”

Great post & read by Mr. Pulsipher. You can have these relationships with online courses (tougher road, but indeed possible). https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sime-curkovic-61617a115_onlineuniversities-highereducation-onlinelearning-activity-7037376370200502272-QHcV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop "Students who are able to build strong relationships with professors are far more likely to find engaging work after graduation, according to Gallup-Purdue polls." https://lnkd.in/gSuzhcjP -those who believe a professor cared about them as a person, made them excited about learning, & encouraged them to pursue their dreams had more than...

Note, WMU supply chain grads from 2022 have a median wage range of $65-$75,000: https://lnkd.in/dkGr4_uX. See where that ranks on The 10 highest-paying college majors list below.

Note, WMU supply chain grads from 2022 have a median wage range of $65-$75,000: https://lnkd.in/dkGr4_uX. See where that ranks on The 10 highest-paying college majors list below. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/20/highest-paying-college-majors.html Can I get a supply chain job w/o a SCM degree? Engineers wanted!https://lnkd.in/dYVYxv84 How important are engineering skills in Supply Chain Mgmt? Can you talk to engineers? https://lnkd.in/ei79SUB. More jobs starting to look like SCM + Engineering…Purchasing Engineer (21,000 jobs on LI) wanted, see: https://lnkd.in/gqFd4jaG...

West Michigan poised to outperform U.S. as economic slowdown looms. “We actually expect we will grow at twice the rate of the U.S. economy…the region’s economy is expected to grow 2%. Overall, the U.S. is expected to grow at half that rate.

West Michigan poised to outperform U.S. as economic slowdown looms. “We actually expect we will grow at twice the rate of the U.S. economy…the region’s economy is expected to grow 2%. Overall, the U.S. is expected to grow at half that rate.  https://lnkd.in/gBj4twDu. The State of the Region (full report): https://lnkd.in/gzH_aSGw. On Wednesday MEDC and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II are scheduled to share details of the Michiganders EV Scholars Program, an...

My students ask great questions when it comes to…money. Recently, someone asked if they could earn a great salary in mid-career. I asked what is mid-career & he said by age 30. I smiled, but also told him many of my students are six digits or above by that age. SCM is very opportunistic.

My students ask great questions when it comes to…money. Recently, someone asked if they could earn a great salary in mid-career. I asked what is mid-career & he said by age 30. I smiled, but also told him many of my students are six digits or above by that age. SCM is very opportunistic. Mid-Level Supply Chain Positions | Average Salary: $115,000Senior-Level Supply Chain Positions | Average Salary: $260,000 Entry-Level Supply Chain Positions | Average Salary: $69,000 Also:Entry Level...

Yes, that is college costs at the top of the list (sorry). But, WMU supply chain grads from 2022 have a median wage range of $65-$75K.

Yes, that is college costs at the top of the list (sorry). But, WMU supply chain grads from 2022 have a median wage range of $65-$75K. https://lnkd.in/dkGr4_uX. Good ROI, right? Recently, a student asked if they could earn a great salary in mid-career. I asked what is mid-career & he said by age 30. I smiled, but also told him many of my students are six digits or above by that age. SCM is...

I asked my students how many paid vacation days their future employers would be legally req’d to give them in their first full time job offer, they were dismayed by ZERO (but most will get 10-15 days, & they were still dismayed). One student’s response:

I asked my students how many paid vacation days their future employers would be legally req'd to give them in their first full time job offer, they were dismayed by ZERO (but most will get 10-15 days, & they were still dismayed). One student’s response: "It mind boggles me that companies in the US are not required to provide employees with any paid vacation days. I think mentally everyone needs a break from...

Another awesome post Ms. Labes, thank you. Just curious as to where people think the supply chain function should sit within this chart, especially in regards to the CFO. Assume mfg orgs where direct material purchases (from their supply chain) are 50-80% of each dollar in sales revenue. FYI, per chatGPT:

Another awesome post Ms. Labes, thank you. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sime-curkovic-61617a115_entrepreneur-finance-business-activity-7038161272391036928-VZap?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Just curious as to where people think the supply chain function should sit within this chart, especially in regards to the CFO. Assume mfg orgs where direct material purchases (from their supply chain) are 50-80% of each dollar in sales revenue. FYI, per chatGPT: On avg, what % of each mfg sales dollar is in direct material costs? The % of each...

Great post, how about a personal SWOT? Most students & even managers put little effort into developing & promoting their brand. How about a personal SWOT analysis? For details on how to build your brand (with a workbook):

Great post, how about a personal SWOT? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sime-curkovic-61617a115_swot-analysis-examples-pdf-amazon-apple-activity-7038490626992070656-TLEx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Most students & even managers put little effort into developing & promoting their brand. How about a personal SWOT analysis? For details on how to build your brand (with a workbook): https://lnkd.in/dSAA6wFHow Does Your Personality Type Affect Your Income: https://lnkd.in/g7z_ZNV3. Do you know what your brand is? Become the Nike swoosh of your life! Here is a website that is similar to MBTI and...

WMU campus Live shot: https://lnkd.in/eVAymYz. & https://lnkd.in/eGe8UT5. Some 2022 WMU SCM student success stories…

WMU campus Live shot: https://lnkd.in/eVAymYz. & https://lnkd.in/eGe8UT5.Some 2022 WMU SCM student success stories…1. Dylan Sing is a team player as a student athlete on the WMU men's soccer team & as a SCM major. https://lnkd.in/ggqPmMyw. 2. SCM student wins prestigious scholarship. Madison Dober excels as a woman in the supply chain field, winning a scholarship from the Transportation Club of Detroit.https://lnkd.in/d5UEQVJV 3. Pursuing career in supply chain management is a slam dunk for...

Is a law degree a good fit for supply chain managers? Trivia: > 50% of the World’s Lawyers are American (we are 4% of the global population)! Also: U.S. Tort Costs as a % of GDP: 2.40% (the avg for industrialized nations is .8%).

Great post from Mr. Patrucco, I will be sharing w/ my supply chain students. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sime-curkovic-61617a115_contract-management-in-procurement-activity-7038896050891345920-g9-6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Is a law degree a good fit for supply chain managers? Trivia: > 50% of the World’s Lawyers are American (we are 4% of the global population)! Also: U.S. Tort Costs as a % of GDP: 2.40% (the avg for industrialized nations is .8%). We make our SCM students take an advanced contract mgmt class....