Read this for perspective…”Consider supply chains: In Deloitte’s latest survey of chief procurement officers, only 15% said they could see into their second- and third-tier suppliers.

Read this for perspective…”Consider supply chains: In Deloitte’s latest survey of chief procurement officers, only 15% said they could see into their second- and third-tier suppliers. Even in the first tier, only 70% of procurement officers reported they had good visibility, and only 26% felt they could predict risks in the first tier. (According to Dun & Bradstreet, there are some 7.6 million second-tier suppliers in RUSSIA.) _People that read...

Let’s stop saying America does not making anything anymore (not even close to true). “Tier-1 is the global technological innovation center, currently dominated by AMERICA…

Let’s stop saying America does not making anything anymore (not even close to true). “Tier-1 is the global technological innovation center, currently dominated by AMERICA…In the 2020 China Mfg Power Development Index Report, the US ranked first, with an index value of 168.71. Germany and Japan emerged in the second tier with indices of 125.65 and 117.16, respectively.” From Sime: the only problem with being great at Tier 1 is that...

Would you recommend using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) or Consignment Inventory (CI)? I recently had a student ask me this question (I struggled w/ it)…

Would you recommend using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) or Consignment Inventory (CI)? I recently had a student ask me this question (I struggled w/ it) –“Would you recommend using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) or Consignment Inventory (CI)?  I feel like VMI means that you have to regulate the Suppliers more than Consignment would. Consignment allows you to have your inventory costs in the hands of the supplier so the inventory...

Is Supply Chain Management a Core Competency for your employer (ask that during an interview)?

Is Supply Chain Management a Core Competency for your employer (ask that during an interview)? and If you work in SCM, don't you want to work for a company that has a core competency in SCM? Reads…How should orgs use competitive bidding? a supplier estimates the following costs on an RFQ & Your Core Competency (i.e., SCM?) stay competitive, companies are forced to outsource commodities & focus on core competency primary...

See “2021” Salary Career Report Vs. “2022” ASCM’s 2022 Salary and Career Report Shows Minimal Impact from the Great Resignation, High Job Satisfaction…

See "2021" Salary Career Report "2022" ASCM’s 2022 Salary and Career Report Shows Minimal Impact from the Great Resignation, High Job Satisfaction: Supply chain certifications: I make my students do this during the first week of class: supply chain orgs you can join ( for $35 & for $40 & for free!) would highly encourage you to join organizations related to what you are majoring in. Send the message to employers that you plan...