Subject: Read: Please Watch Out for Power BI or Tableau. Do not be a victim of technology. Put these skills on your resume if you have them! Students:

Subject: Read: Please Watch Out for Power BI or Tableau. Do not be a victim of technology.  Put these skills on your resume if you have them! Students:More and more employers are asking students during job interviews if they know how to use Power BI or Tableau.  For example, Eaton Corp in Galesburg, MI uses Power BI to visualize data and Kellogg's is called Tableau world because they use Tableau so much....

Subject: Read: Apple’s Core Competency is SCM? I thought it was technology/innovation? Students: Apple’s Core Competency is SCM?

Subject: Read: Apple's Core Competency is SCM? I thought it was technology/innovation? Students:Apple's Core Competency is SCM? how Apple went from $300B in cash to $200B and now to $165B.  Where did it go?  It appears that this company that outsources almost everything is taking ownership of very selective parts of its supply chain.  It will now start doing most of its own design work (i.e., chips, screens, etc.) & it will...

Full time jobs – non asset based 3PL. FYI – this is a trillion dollar industry in America alone, stuff has to get moved around by someone…

Full time jobs - non asset based 3PL (I will talk about these companies in class the next time we meet, but I wanted to send this because there will be several at the career fairs and they have lots of jobs, just pay attention to what kinds of jobs - i.e., sales)....FYI - this is a trillion dollar industry in America alone, stuff has to get moved around by...

Feedback from former student on consulting jobs after graduation…just in case you see some at the career fairs. Consulting is simply “problem-solving”. “You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve” – Elon Musk

Subject: Read: Feedback from former student on consulting jobs after graduation...just in case you see some at the career fairs.  There will be several at the MSU career fairs. Consulting is simply "problem-solving".“You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve” - ElonMusk  Students: Here is my perspective on jobs that too many students do not give enough serious consideration to (it is all about fit though)...

How do companies outsource strategically? Some companies (both large and small) are going beyond just outsourcing commodities to also outsourcing core/strategic parts. It makes sense for smaller firms with scarce resources to outsource commodities.

Subject: Read: How do companies outsource strategically? How do companies outsource strategically? Some companies (both large and small) are going beyond just outsourcing commodities to also outsourcing core/strategic parts. It makes sense for smaller firms with scarce resources to outsource commodities. A commodity by definition is something that several suppliers exist for and as a result of competition, someone else can do it better, faster, and cheaper. However, data also shows that...

Subject: Read: Feedback from a Bronco who works at TACOM (great government jobs, this might surprise you) Students (great government jobs & they often welcome all majors):

Subject: Read: Feedback from a Bronco who works at TACOM (great government jobs, this might surprise you) Students (great government jobs & they often welcome all majors):We touched on government jobs in class.The government at the federal, state, and local levels has very good jobs that require college degrees.  Further, in general, your major does not have to be a perfect fit for the job.  Many students tell me they do not...

Subject: Negotiating a job offer (i.e., internships & your starting salary)… Check out the #1 skill set sought after by employers in the attachment (does your resume sell it?). Note, Negotiation is a problem-solving skill set that every manager needs (and most are very bad at at).

Subject: Negotiating a job offer (i.e., internships & your starting salary)...Check out the #1 skill set sought after by employers in the attachment (does your resume sell it?).Note, Negotiation is a problem-solving skill set that every manager needs (and most are very bad at at).  WMU HCOB has a class on this (and it is exceptionally well taught): MKTG 2750 - Global Negotiation This course is designed to be a "learning...

Subject: Read (mentor advice): Rounding up GPAs, post script on your phones for email replies, resume keywords, & email signatures Students (how about creating a professional email signature to impress employers?):

Subject: Read (mentor advice): Rounding up GPAs, post script on your phones for email replies, resume keywords, & email signatures Students (how about creating a professional email signature to impress employers?): Resume advice, Do NOT round up your GPAs  Students should not change their official GPA for their resume. Instead, I recommend they calculate their GPA using the courses required (that counted toward) their major and also list their overall GPA. Also,...

Subject: Read: Yet another reason to consider the BA minor (sorry to be so pushy about these skills, I will stop very soon)…But, problem-solving at work requires that you measure the stuff that is important to your organization (i.e., quality, costs, service, etc.).

Subject: Read: Yet another reason to consider the BA minor (sorry to be so pushy about these skills, I will stop very soon)...But, problem-solving at work requires that you measure the stuff that is important to your organization (i.e., quality, costs, service, etc.).  For example, can a company be good at anything if it does not measure it in excruciating and accurate detail?  No, they will be terrible at all things...

Subject: Read: Business Analytics Minor and AI (I think this minor keeps you from ever being a victim of technology). Students (see the end of this from my former students): Is AI your next threat and do you believe the following?…

Subject: Read: Business Analytics Minor and AI (I think this minor keeps you from ever being a victim of technology).  I will talk more on this at our first class next week. Students (see the end of this from my former students):Is AI your next threat and do you believe the following?... “American college students are behind in using AI in their studies compared to their foreign counterparts.”I disagree, but you have...