Our new “apprenticeship” program: We just concluded a co-op pilot program with a F500 company that was highly successful and has started its second iteration in 2024. So, what makes this Co-op program different?

Our new "apprenticeship" program: We just concluded a co-op pilot program with a F500 company that was highly successful and has started its second i

Supply Chain Management Salary Data and What’s The Difference Between Logistics And Supply Chain Management? (And Why It Matters):

Nice salary summary from SCMR: https://lnkd.in/gX6SNriv. “The results…Supply chain and logistics professionals working in the manufacturing sector ea

The data indicates that an MS or MBA degree continues to deliver an exceptional ROI.

When I first entered academia as a supply chain professor 30 years ago, I assumed the ROI on a graduate education in business would fade.