Help with online interviews and interviewing with robots (it is AI/machine learning technology)

Help with online interviews and interviewing with robots (it is AI/machine learning technology)

Practice before it really matters (this will be mainstream during the year of covid and beyond)...  Note, it is my understanding that these robot interviews are simply being used to weed out students.  Also, that does not mean there is anything wrong with you if you do not get a face to face and/or onsite interview with a hiring manager.  These robot interviews often simply are trying to develop a psychological profile of you...
Explanation on Single Sourcing versus 70/30 Split

Explanation on Single Sourcing versus 70/30 Split

I had a student email me with this work situation.  How would you handle this situation? Our current supplier is a small subsidiary of a parent company that is considered very high risk by our credit and finance group. They do not want us to do business with this supplier because based on their financials the parent company could easily go bankrupt. The problem is this supplier is very cheap...
Take a Global Negotiation class & work on your public speaking

Take a Global Negotiation class & work on your public speaking

Global Negotiation: The fastest growing class in supply chain programs.The Institute of Supply Management identifies negotiation as the most important skill of SCM professionals and yet the weakest in terms of delivery. However, not at WMU. In fact, our supply chain majors (a Top 10 program) take the class with Sales majors (another Top 10 program)! Do you see the synergy? Our case-based negotiation course is taught in conjunction with...
Please introduce yourself to me via video in 45-60 seconds (your elevator speech)…I make students do this every semester.

Please introduce yourself to me via video in 45-60 seconds (your elevator speech)…I make students do this every semester.

I make students do this every semester... I would like you to tell me about yourself that sells me on you.  Instead of a sales organization (see attached template, contact me for a copy), convince me that a potential employer (or professor) would be interested in you. It is the kind of thing you would do if you walked into a room at the career fair.  I will watch it...
Procurement 101: Explanation on Commodities

Procurement 101: Explanation on Commodities

Yes, companies are outsourcing commodities to increase value.  Value is lowering costs and improving performance (e.g., quality, service, and flexibility).  A commodity is defined as being something for which several qualified suppliers exist. Typically, buying organizations will use several rounds of the competitive bidding process to pick a low cost supplier.  Buying organizations will send out RFQs to get bids from suppliers.  RFQ stands for a Request for Quotation.  In...
Do not underestimate the power of a professional email signature

Do not underestimate the power of a professional email signature

Do not underestimate the power of a professional email signature (most do not even have one, or they have very boring ones). The email signature should be filled in with some relevant details to catch the potential employer's attention and earn yourself some credits for successful branding.  Good email signatures for college students can be a great touch point in an email. If you add some extra contact details and...
Sime Curkovic Free Content
How should companies use competitive bidding (think long-term)?

How should companies use competitive bidding (think long-term)?

Typically, buying organizations will use several rounds of the competitive bidding process to pick a low cost supplier. Buying organizations will send out RFQs to get bids from suppliers. RFQ stands for a Request for Quotation. In other words, please give us a quote for this business. Unfortunately, several iterations of the competitive bidding process can be very resource intensive, especially for smaller companies. Larger companies have been able to...
My background & why I am obsessed with your success…

My background & why I am obsessed with your success… Doing things better, faster and cheaper and living the American dream Dr. Sime Curkovic grew up surrounded by industry in Lansing, Michigan. He is the son of immigrant parents who came to the United States from what is now Croatia. Once in Michigan, his father was told, “If you are looking for the American dream, go to this factory, fill out an application and work hard.” Determined to succeed,...
Supply Chain Factoids

Supply Chain Factoids

Let's say you have a supplier and you are starting to get the vibe that you are overpaying.  What can you do?  You could ask them for a cost break down.  However, if a CURRENT supplier does not want to break out costs for you (the buyer), then the contract should allow for competition once a reasonable period of time has elapsed for the supplier to recover their fixed costs. ...
How do companies outsource strategically?

How do companies outsource strategically?

Here are the video lectures to accompany this discussion: Some companies (both large and small) are going beyond just outsourcing commodities to also outsourcing core/strategic parts. It makes sense for smaller firms with scarce resources to outsource commodities. A commodity by definition is something that several suppliers exist for and as a result of competition, someone else can do it better, faster, and cheaper. However, data also...