My colleagues and I put this list together for multiple business disciplines. Data shows that people earn more and have more job security if they become engaged members of their professional discipline. One way to do that is to join industry specific associations related to their majors. Further, these associations often have certifications that externally validate you as a subject matter expert.

My colleagues and I put this list together for multiple business disciplines. Data shows that people earn more and have more job security if they become engaged members of their professional discipline. One way to do that is to join industry specific associations related to their majors.  Further, these associations often have certifications that externally validate you as a subject matter expert. Industry Certifications and Associations for Various Business Majors and...
Sime Curkovic Free Content

Our students are going into a job market inundated with outdated processes. Manual and labor-intensive operations will force them to spend hours every week doing repetitive tasks that could be automated for much greater efficiency and accuracy, allowing them to focus on more fulfilling work.

Our students are going into a job market inundated with outdated processes. Manual and labor-intensive operations will force them to spend hours every week doing repetitive tasks that could be automated for much greater efficiency and accuracy, allowing them to focus on more fulfilling work.  The majority of their time will be spent gathering data, while much less will be spent analyzing and providing insights to support strategic decision-making. For example,...
Sime Curkovic Free Content

2023 Prediction Consensus, What the Experts See Coming (interesting): From 2022 (pretty good): From 2021 (solid): & Common Theme (higher prices & technology). It is time to teach SCM a little differently than we did pre-inflationary.

2023 Prediction Consensus, What the Experts See Coming (interesting): From 2022 (pretty good): From 2021 (solid): & Common Theme (higher prices & technology). It is time to teach SCM a little differently than we did pre-inflationary. Note, some goods (not most) have actually gone down in the index, including: Which countries have the highest inflation (I will stop complaining as much)? This is why we have to teach SCM differently moving...
Sime Curkovic Free Content

In the last 7 months the S&P GSCI nearly completed a return trip & only ended up rising 8.7% in 2022 overall. A July 2022 study from World Commerce & Contracting found that 70% of new supplier agreements contain inflation driven economic adjustment/indexing clauses. 70% of contracts have price INCREASE provisions. It’s a new world in SCM.

In the last 7 months the S&P GSCI nearly completed a return trip & only ended up rising 8.7% in 2022 overall. A July 2022 study from World Commerce & Contracting found that 70% of new supplier agreements contain inflation driven economic adjustment/indexing clauses. 70% of contracts have price INCREASE provisions. It’s a new world in SCM. Supply chains top CFO business risk concerns: "#1 - raw material costs" It...
Sime Curkovic Free Content

In 2020-2021, SCM was the 89th most popular major nationwide with 10,986 degrees awarded. There are already > 20,000 SCM 2023 internships posted: & & > 20,000 business related internships. The state of Michigan has over 3,000 SCM internships still open.

In 2020-2021, SCM was the 89th most popular major nationwide with 10,986 degrees awarded. There are already > 20,000 SCM 2023 internships posted: & & > 20,000 business related internships. The state of Michigan has over 3,000 SCM internships still open. Top 100 Internships (not a fan of rankings, but here you go): Perhaps delay graduation for work experience & stay specialized... Most good paying jobs are highly specialized (e.g., purchasing, operations, & logistics)....
Sime Curkovic Free Content

Students getting ready for career fairs: I actually have employers tell me they will NOT consider a student if they do NOT have a strong professional LinkedIn presence…How to effectively join LinkedIn. I have former students that found new jobs & they were not even looking! Interviewing tools:

Students getting ready for career fairs: I actually have employers tell me they will NOT consider a student if they do NOT have a strong professional LinkedIn presence...How to effectively join LinkedIn. I have former students that found new jobs & they were not even looking! Interviewing tools: Also, most employers will not even look at your resume if it looks like a lazy effort. Aesthetics matter! Yale advice: Harvard: MIT:
Sime Curkovic Free Content

Are Supply Chain pros using ArcGIS Pro technology? Do you think our SCM students should learn this? ArcGIS is a technology that can help companies manage risk. Nationally, almost zero SCM graduates will have this on their resume.

Are Supply Chain pros using ArcGIS Pro technology? Do you think our SCM students should learn this? ArcGIS is a technology that can help companies manage risk. Nationally, almost zero SCM graduates will have this on their resume. I had a GIS analyst reach out to me & ask: Is there a business geography specialty group that addresses supply chain issues? Where could people find GIS supply chain problem...
Sime Curkovic Free Content

Yes, you can major in Digital Marketing & eCommerce at WMU & be taught by one of the best…New SEO class pays off in job opportunities for marketing students.

Yes, you can major in Digital Marketing & eCommerce at WMU & be taught by one of the best…New SEO class pays off in job opportunities for marketing students. KALAMAZOO, —Dr. Scott Cowley, associate professor of marketing and director of the digital marketing and eCommerce program at Western Michigan University, won the 2022 Marketing Management Association’s Master Teaching Competition, which recognizes the organization’s outstanding marketing educator of the year. Competition...
Sime Curkovic Free Content